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[국제학술대회] 2020 ISATMPT 행사 안내
작성자 : 사무국 등록일 : 2020-08-31
첨부파일 :
The 20th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process(ISATMP-20,2020)
Announcement and Call for Paper
November 05-07, 2020, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea
November 06(09:00-12:00),2020,Hiddenbay Hotel,Yeosu,Korea
November 06(09:00-12:00),2020,Arteresort,Sacheon,Korea
Organizer: Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
              BK21 PLUS, Next-Generation Mechanical and Aerospace Creative Engineers Education
              Program, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
              The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers (KSMPE), Korea
Co-Organizers: Gyeongnam Province, Korea
                    Gyeongnam Convention & Visitors Bureau, Korea
Papers in all areas of Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process are invited
Nov 05(Thu), 09:00-17:50 Oral or On-line Paper Presentation and Discussion
            13:00-17:50 Academic-Industry Cooperation Forum & Special Seminar
            (Latest Design Technology Special Seminar for Aerospace/Machinery
            Companies Located in Gyeongnam Region)
            14:00-17:50 Oral or On-line Paper Presentation and Discussion
            18:00- Opening Ceremony(Reception)
Nov 06(Fry), 09:00-12:00 Oral or On-line Paper Presentation and Discussion
            (Hiddenbay Hotel, Yeosu, Arteresort, Sacheon)
            14:00-18:00 Oral or On-line Paper Presentation and Discussion
            (Gyeongsang National University, Jinju)
            18:00- Welcome Party
Nov 07(Sat), 09:00-10:30 Oral or On-line Paper Presentation and Discussion
           10:50-15:00 Special Seminar(Industry Trend Post Covid-19 Preparation for
           the 4th Industrial Revolution)
           15:00-18:00 Industry Forum, Visiting to Jinju Fortress
English(단, 11월 5일과 7일 특별강연은 한국어로 발표함)
Aircraft parts technologies, Aircraft parts Design and Parts Manufacturing, Science & Aerospace Frontiers, Space Missions, Systems, and Architecture, Observation Systems and Technologies, Remote Sensing, Spacecraft Avionics Sys., Launch Vehicle Sys, Air Vehicle Systems and Technologies
Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Design, Ultra-precision Machining, Machine Tools and related Technology, Plastic Forming, Injection Molding/Mold Machining, Automation of Product Technology, Machining Control, Design and CAE, Tribology, 3D Printing, and Other Manufacturing Processing Technologies
- FEES -
Early Registration (by Oct. 25  사전결재) : $400 / ₩400,000(교수)  ($300 / ₩300,000 (학생))
On-site Registration (by Nov. 05) : $500 / ₩500,000 ($400 / ₩400,000: Student)
단, 산학강좌 & 특별강연 참가자, 일반참가자, 초청연사 : Free
Deadline of Abstrat(Paper), Title & Authors Submission: October 15,2020
A Study on the cutting force analysis of ship camshaft using by FEM- - - -
Author Name 1(Affiliation),
Author Name 2(Affiliation)
Presenting Preference
Oral in Venue(    ),   Poster in Venue(     )
On line Oral*(    ),   On line Poster*(     )
Author Personal
Name :
E-mail :
Tel :
     * We will prepare video or on-line presentations for speakers who cannot attend to the real conference.
Presentation File or Full Paper Submission:
On line Presentation file should be sent by October 22, 2020.
- The manuscript formats refers to the ISATMP-20, 2020 Paper Template Format File.
11월 5일 산학강과 특별세션 참가희망자는 이름,E-mail주소를 보내주시면 됩니다.
코로나 19 방역수칙에 다라 참석인원(50명 이내)을 제한하므로 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
 산학강좌 신청기간: 2020년 10월 15일, 신청 e-mail: sklyu@gnu.ac.kr
11월 5일(목) 산학강좌(기술강습회) 프로그램
13:00 – 14:40
Hexagon MI 소개(사천/진주 및 경남 소재 기업 특성인 기계 항공분야에 집중하여 이부분에 대하여 최신기술 소개)
Kevin Lee
14:40 – 15:20
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